Our journey began in 1873.

Where it all began.


Cove Hill 1873

Cove Hill Baptist Church began as a
result of a revival held in a log  school-
house situated on the prior church lot
around the bend in the summer of 1873.
Several people then met to explore the
possibility of establishing a congregation
in the area. The need was real and
obvious, so Cove Hill was established.

In 1874 Cove Hill applied for
membership in the Sulphur Fork
Association and remained there until the
Whites Run Baptist Association was
organized in 1900.  Then the
congregation joined the other mostly
Carroll County Baptist Churches in the
new White’s Run Association.


Cove Hill 1952

Through much of its history, and
especially in recent years, Cove Hill
called pastors who have been seminary
students. Pastors came from all across
the United States, served the church
and moved on to places of service
throughout the world. Most have
entered pastorates, but others are
serving the Lord in chaplaincy,
education and the mission  fields. This
church is blessed to have been served
by these faithful servants of the Lord.


Present Cove Hill Baptist Church

In April 2000, after years of prayerful
thought, we broke ground for the
current building and in only seven
months, we were able to celebrate our
47th annual Thanksgiving dinner in our
new facility, a miracle according to the
builders but proof that God was
working in this project. It is our hope
that these new accommodations will
better serve the needs of our
congregation and the surrounding

From it’s beginning, Cove Hill has
been a mission-minded people. Long
before the Cooperative Program, the
members contributed to missions
offerings. Currently the church gives
a portion if all undesignated gifts to
mission causes around the world. In
addition, we promote and collect
designated offerings for the many
missionary causes (foreign, home, state,
Associational, Children’s Home,
Raceway Ministries, and more). As God
has blessed us in the past, we hold to
His strength for the future.

Cove Hill continues to affirm the
original need for a body of believers in
this area and continue its commitment
to this community.

We hope you will be able to join us
soon, in worship and fellowship as we
continue to serve Him and be a light on
this hill.